Labour Act, 2074 (2017) is free educational app for Nepalese law students and learner. Labour codes, general labour and employment acts. Act Regulation. Labour Acts. Labour Act 2074 Click here to download · Child Labor (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 2056 (2000). Nepal - Labour Act, 2074 (2017).
Chapter I - Preliminary
Chapter II - Fundamental Provisions Relating to Workers
Chapter III - Provisions Relating To Employment
Chapter IV - Provisions Relating to Trainees and Apprentices
Chapter V - Provisions Relating to Part-Time Workers
Chapter VI - Provisions Relating to Work Permits
Chapter VII - Provisions Relating to Working Hours
Chapter VIII - Provisions Relating to Remuneration
Chapter IX - Provisions Relating to Leave
Chapter X - Provisions Relating to Provident Fund, Gratuity and Insurance
Chapter XI - Provisions Relating to Labour Provider
Chapter XII - Provisions Relating to Occupational Safety and Health
Chapter XIII - Provisions Relating to Special Types of Industries and Services
Chapter XIV - Provisions Relating to Fair Labour Practices
Chapter XV - Provisions Relating to Inspection
Chapter XVI -Provisions Relating to Councils and Committees
Chapter XVII - Provisions Relating to Internal Management of Enterprises
Chapter XVIII - Provisions Relating to Settlement of Individual Disputes
Chapter XIX - Provisions Relating to Settlement of Collective Disputes
Chapter XX - Provisions Relating to Conduct and Punishment
Chapter XXI - Provisions Relating to Termination of Employment
Chapter XXII - Provisions Relating to Labour Court
Chapter XXIII - Provisions Relating to Complaints, Punishment and Appeals
Chapter XXIV - Miscellaneous Provisions